Psychometric Profiling

Included as standard within our service

DiSC Psychometrics included on all candidates chosen for first interview

General Profile Report Icon
Click to download sample GPR report

What is Psychometric Profiling?

The Fixed Price Recruitment Company offers a psychometric profile on each candidate as part of their core service offering.  The report provides an invaluable interview aid to help you conduct a professional yet tough interview.  

The profile offers questions to probe the candidate on areas where it indicates that their preferred working style isn’t quite what is required in your role.

why do we offer Psychometric Profiling?

The psychometric questionnaire that we offer is a GPR, or General Profile Report.  It is a DiSC based personality questionnaire, which is commonly used by organisations that are recruiting across the UK and is well well-regarded across the HR Community. 

Importantly, it is a highly validated psychometric tool that is based on William Marston’s theory and an example GPR report can be downloaded here.

GPR is a powerful instrument yet easy to read and provides insight into how they perform under pressure and how they modify their usual style to the workplace environment.

The benefits

At The Fixed Price Recruitment Company, we have identified the five crucial benefits of Psychometric Profiling

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23 Walker Avenue
Stratford Business Village
Wolverton Mill
Milton Keynes
MK12 5TW

01908 061 408

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